Restorative Poses

It is imperative that we take care of ourselves so that we can handle the chronic stressors of life.  Life moves fast enough give yourself time to be still and be one with the breath.  Whether you have 3 minutes or 15 minutes, taking time out each day to relax is essential to living well.  The more you practice any skill such as relaxation the better you become.  These next two poses offer you the opportunity to simply be. These restorative poses balance emotions, soothes the parasympathetic nervous system, enhances energy and mood while boosting your immune system.  These two poses are great to practice in a quiet uninterrupted place in your home.  Give yourself this gift of deep relaxation, restoration and sense of renewal.  You are worthy and deserving!


Restorative Heart Opener


This pose can be incorporated in your day as a 5-10 minute deep relaxation and restoration.



  • Opens the chest, expanding the upper lobes of the lungs and promoting thoracic and clavicular breathing thus increasing lung capacity
  • Helps alleviate asthmas and respiratory complaints
  • Opens the front and contracts the back of the neck invigorating the throat and thyroid gland
  • Provides counter stretch to daily activities of hunching over
  • Opens and releases stiffness in the shoulders
  • Brings elasticity to the spine
  • Stimulates spinal muscles and nerves
  • Soothes the nervous system
  • Provides a deep contraction in lower back, detoxifies the kidneys and balances the functioning of the adrenal glands


Recent or chronic back/neck injury or inflammation


Place bolster, rolled blanket or yoga mat at the base of the spine.  Gradually lay back resting on elbows and then onto the prop.  If needed use additional support for the neck and head with a block or pillow.  Allow the shoulders to wrap and melt around your support.  Enjoy this pose for 3-7 minutes even with an eye pillow or wash cloth over the eyes.  Mantra during this pose I am open, I allow love to flow freely through my being.  I am love and I am loved. 


Restorative Childs



  • Deeply tranquilizes the whole system, calming mind and emotions 
  • Soothes the parasympathetic nervous system coming out of “fight or flight mode” into a deeply relaxed state
  • Provides an alternative to fast-paced living
  • Increases flexibility in the hips and legs
  • Massages, oxygenates and decongests abdominal organs
  • Tones and stimulates pancreas, liver, gall-bladder, spleen, intestines, reproductive glands and bladder
  • Improves peristaltic action in the intestines
  • Stimulates digestion and elimination
  • Relives intestinal gas, constipation and hemorrhoids


Recent or chronic injury or inflammation of the knees.  For ease of the knees place a rolled blanket or bolster between thighs and calves elevating the knees.


Place rolled blanket, bolster (you can do this pose without a prop as well) in between spaced knees.  Draw hips to heels * For ease of the knees place a rolled blanket or bolster between thighs and calves elevating the knees*

Relax shoulders, forehead to prop or to the earth.  If using a bolster turn head to the left for 10 elongated breaths then balance it out by revolving head to the right for 10 slow breaths.  Bring forehead to center and spend as much time as you would like here 3-7 minutes.  Breathe all the way into the 3-dimensional lungs and back body.  I am calm, centered and compassionate can be your mantra for this pose. 
